D-Day 75

A platform for immersive digital storytelling on the 75th commemoration of D-Day.


Imperial War Museums

Project Overview

To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings, The Imperial War Museums tasked us with creating an immersive online destination to tell the many fascinating stories and adventures of those involved with the historic day.

From a technical point of view the first challenge was in building a robust and flexible scrolling framework to meet the design ambition. A nested timeline that would incorporate vertical and horizontal scrolling techniques to navigate data points built from an array of components that could be infinitely nested as required.

To add an additional challenge, the final output needed to be a stand alone static application that could work offline. To manage the vast amount of data we developed a bespoke offline build pipeline that allowed us to create the site from a dynamic data source and package up to deliver to the client's server without any additional dependencies or requirements beyond a basic web server.

Tech stack

  • GSAP
  • ScrollMagic
  • SCSS
  • Vue.js